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About Us

At Trinity Life we believe that people matter to God.  God has an amazing plan for your life and it is a plan that starts with you coming into relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.  Knowing and living for God is life as it is meant to be lived; life as God intended.

Who We Area

Who We Are

At Trinity Life we believe that people matter to God.  God has an amazing plan for your life and it is a plan that starts with you coming into relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.  Knowing and living for God is life as it is meant to be lived; life as God intended.


At Trinity Life we want people to discover this new life for themselves and live in the power of God working in their lives.


That means we believe God wants Trinity Life to be a Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered church that wins souls through relevantly proclaiming the gospel in lifestyle and word wherever we go; makes fully committed disciples; equips believers for works of service. Therefore, we expect to see transformation, growth and miracles!


​Trinity Life is part of the Apostolic Church in the United Kingdom (




We want to be a place where people are welcomed and accepted

We want to be people who are led by the Word of God and the Spirit of God

In everything we say and do, it would be to the glory of God



We exist to Glorify God, Reach the Lost and Develop the Found.



To be church in the community so that the community will come to church



We want to impact and influence Inverness, the Highlands and the World with the good news of Jesus​





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What We Believe

  • The one true and living God who eternally exists in three persons in unity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • The inherent corruptness of man through the Fall; The necessity of repentance and regeneration by grace and through faith in Christ alone and the eternal separation from God of the finally unrepentant.

  • The Virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, triumphant resurrection, ascension and continuing intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ; His second coming and millennial reign upon earth.

  • The Justification and sanctification of believers through the finished work of Christ.

  • The baptism of the Holy Spirit for believers with supernatural signs, empowering the church for its mission in the world.

  • The gifts of the Holy Spirit for the building up of the Church and ministry to the world.

  • The Sacraments of Baptism by immersion and of the Lord’s Supper.

  • The divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures.

  • Christ’s leadership of the Church through apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, elders and deacons, for unity, maturity and growth of the church.

  • The security of the believer as he remains in Christ

  • The privilege and responsibility of bringing tithes and offerings to the Lord.


Our History

It all started as a house group in the home of David & Hilary Cook, where there was a group of like-minded friends, all seeking a Pentecostal witness in Inverness.​  When Ps Samuel McKibben became aware of this community of Christian friends in Inverness, he started traveling the 100 miles from Aberdeen to the weekly house meetings.


Eventually, it was decided to establish a church in Inverness, founded with the blessing of church Apostolic leadership and confirmed by the prophetic ministry of Ps Eric Horley.  They were known as Inverness Apostolic Church and met in The Shepherds Hall in Eastgate.


Below are a few photos from those early years. (from l-r: invitation to a Whitsun Celebration in 1982, Baptismal service held in the Inverness public baths 1984; Church officers and a few of the members taken inside the Shepherds Hall).












​Sadly Inverness Apostolic Church had to close in 1985.​


However, a few years later in â€‹September 1988, Ps Samuel McKibben and his wife Mair (who had moved from Aberdeen to Glasgow), relocated to Inverness to re-started the work.  They formed Inverness Christian Fellowship (ICF) and led the fellowship until 1996.  During those years, Inverness Christian Fellowship met in a variety of places, as it grew, including:

  • Ps Samuel & Mair McKibben's home

  • Kenneth Street Hall

  • Royal Infirmary

  • Dalneigh Primary School

  • Merkinch Community Centre


In 1996, Ps Eric Parker took over the leadership and during this time a ministry called FIAT (Faith In Action Team) was established providing furniture no longer by needed by one family and distributed it to those who separately needed it.  This ministry eventually became part of the charity 'New Start', which is still in operation today.


In 2002, Ps Eric Parker moved to Dover and Ps Ian Ross came to lead Inverness Christian Fellowship. During this time ICF moved to Millburn Academy.


Following Ps Ian Ross' move to South Wales, Ps David Williams led the fellowship from 2010 until his sudden call home in July 2015

During Ps David Williams leadership, Inverness Christian Fellowship moved back to Merkinch Community Centre, and Ps David identified and drew out the pastoral calling in Ps Robbie Halkett, who was ordained in March 2015.


Ps Robbie, along with his wife Karen, started leading Inverness Christian Fellowship in July 2015 and in November 2020, Karen Halkett was also recognised and ordained as a Pastor.


In 2020, Pastors Robbie & Karen established a charitable arm of ICF, known as TLC Inverness. This was set up to provide Tender Loving Care (TLC) to people in Inverness, and especially to those living in the Merkinch area of Inverness. 


Since the late 1980's, prophecies have been given that ICF would always have a place of their own, 'by the river', to call home, and in June 2024, Inverness Christian Fellowship purchased Trinity Church of Scotland, which was located beside the River Ness.  How ICF was able to purchase the Trinity building, is a story of God's grace, God's guidance, and God's provision.


With the purchase of the Trinity building, Inverness Christian Fellowship (ICF), was renamed to Trinity Life on 9th November 2024.  This was for 2 reasons: (1) to bring life to the old Trinity building and (2) to share the life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit with the community. 


At Trinity Life, we have a rich past and we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us in Inverness Apostolic Church, in Inverness Christian Fellowship and in Trinity Church of Scotland. We rejoice in what God has done, we celebrate what He is doing now and we look forward to what He is going to do in the future, and give all the glory to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave Himself for us.



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Sheperds Hall 1984 - from left, David, Larry, Alex, George. Hilary..jpg
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